:: Definition of Business Opportunity : Definasi Peluang Perniagaan ::Business Opportunity : The assets for an existing business enterprise, including its goodwill, as used in the real estate law, the term includes the sale or lease of the business and goodwill of an existing business enterprise.
:: Criteria You Needed to Start The Internet / Home Business Opportunity ::Kreteria yang dikehendaki untuk memulakan perniagaan internet / di rumah
+ Basics knowledge on computer and internet.+ you must be interested in learning so that you can succeed.+ You'll get a bonus for attracting people / home business.+ To make your business more successful, you will need to be creative and a hardworker.+ Importantly, you must provide customers good products and service so that they come for more in future which then will increase your business day by day.+ You must carry out your business legally, this means you must sell genuine products and promoting your products.+ Always think positive and be open minded to accept the challenges and consequences around you.
:: Example on Internet / Home Business Opportunity ::Contoh perniagaan interet / di rumah
Sales Product (Internet Trading / multi level marketing)+ Prepaid card for handphone.+ health care products such as supplement, weight loss, men and women personal product.+ ebooks (internet business opportunity skills, + software such as antivirus / antispamming program, keywords / link analysis program and many more.Service+ Webmaster (making websites for other people)+ advertising agency (help people to promote their website on the net. Example : Google Adwords & Google Adsense and Malaysia Cari)
:: How to Make Your Business a Success? (Important Fact) ::Bagaimana menjadikan perniagaan anda berjaya? (Fakta penting)
+ Find product or service that asks for high quality.+ Find product or service that's less challenging to make it easier.
:: Tips to Make People Trust Your Internet / Home Business. ::Tips mendapatkan kepercayaan orang ramai mengenai perniagaan internet / di rumah yang dijalankan.+ Include your contact information+ Use sensible and trustworthy words, be honest with customers to make your prospect more effective so that the customers will be confident with you+ don't force or cheat on costumer. You will be blacklisted and you will lost your costumer this way and trust by people.